FLO RIDA at the Logies 2012

Jeep Gals perform with FLO RIDA at the LOGIES
Alicia Papadopoulos, Katie McMahon, Jacqueline Lloyd, Zoey Black, Catarina Santos, Ashleigh Tavares, Natasha Marconi, Anjula Kelly Nair, Cinta Lee, Michalea Vafeas and Daniella Bernadini
Choreographed and Styled by The Squared Division

Australia Day 2012 TVC

Jeep Gals featured in Australia Day 2012 TVC with Sam Kekovich. Allyra Martinez, Natasha Marconi, Anjula Kelly-Nair, Catarina Santos, Lauren Seymour, Zoey Black, Michaela Vafeas, Laura Webb, Sari Ferreira, Daniella Bernardini, Zia Lapin, Sarah Hogan, Emily Daffas and Phoebe Fuller.